Planning for the next chapter
Estate Planning
Estate planning provides an established foundation so that neither success nor failure takes you by surprise. It’s an essential part of making sure the next chapter in your life is just as fruitful as the one that got you where you are today.
Estate Plans
Your overall success begins with protecting what you worked so hard to build - which is why estate planning is so important. Our estate planning services include the preparation of wills, the establishment of trusts, undertaking deed reviews and amendments, and putting in place asset protection strategies. Our lawyers take the time to understand your goals, the assets and investments you want to protect, and how you wish to protect them.
As you move through life your circumstances change. You may get married, have children, or experience a significant financial change. These changes need to be reflected in a Will, a legal document that details what will happen to your assets when you die.
Our experienced team will make sure that your Will complies with legal requirements, communicates your wishes clearly, and protects your interests.
Our experienced team will make sure that your Will complies with legal requirements, communicates your wishes clearly, and protects your interests.
General Powers Of Attorney
LB Law Group can assist you in appointing someone to act on your behalf regarding decisions about financial or property matters. This may include appointing someone to pay expenses, manage your investments, sell your property or carry on business operations on your behalf for a certain period or while you are overseas.
Enduring Powers Of Attorney
Unlike a general power of attorney, appointing an enduring power of attorney takes into consideration decisions across both financial, property, and personal matters. An enduring power of attorney will have the authority to make decisions on your behalf when you do not have the capacity to make those decisions yourself.
Binding Superannuation Fund Nominations
An important part of estate planning involves nominating who will receive your superannuation benefit in the event of death. Failing to nominate someone will allow the super fund trustee to decide who your money goes to. As part of our comprehensive estate planning services, LB Law Group can assist with setting up a binding superannuation fund nomination.
Binding Superannuation Fund Nominations
A will and estate dispute can be a stressful time for all parties involved. The question of who should inherit assets can split families apart and cause significant emotional stress for everyone involved. Our role is to bring order to the dispute, reach a fair outcome, and put the necessary measures in place to avoid future issues.
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